An artist is not the one who paints. An artist is the one who does the emotional labor of going against the social norms to figure out something unique and communicates it in a form.

If you invented a script that crawls the web faster and in a unique way, you are an artist.

If you are standing against the social norm and convincing them on a new idea or way that you figured out, you are an artist.

If you have insights that come randomly while you are driving and you have the ability to communicate your insights to other human beings without polluting the message, you are an artist.

If a painter paints a painting that is original, that painter is an artist. If you copy that painting, you are a painter and not an artist since you did not go though the emotional battle of “Is it going to work?” “Is this particular color better than the other?” etc

Good artist create art that resonates with herself and a few people. Great artist create arts that resonates and is understood by the masses.