I was with some friends yesterday and one of them was on the phone when he said to the person on the other end of the line “I am just around the corner”. He was clearly miles away. I wondered, if he is lying to another friend of his, it is highly likely he would lie to me in similar situation.

I have met countless people who bad mouth other people behind their back. There is a gazilion % probability that they will bad mouth about me behind my back.

If a person is indecisive in her personal life, she is indecisive in all areas of her life.

We can easily understand another human-being by noticing their habits and behaviors in just one situation. Humans are creatures of habit. They are predictable. They will not let you down. They will repeat their habits without fail.

I use this insight often to self-analyse my habits. This helps me escape the trap of “I would never do this is scenario X”