It’s easy to get caught up is the thick of the thin things.

It’s easy to sign documents for a loan that you qualified for, its difficult to save up money for months to buy things on cash.

It’s easy to send a ton of money on creating fancy business cards, ordering amazing computers and setting up a great office. Its difficult to do non of that and just think about “how do I get customers and serve them in the best way possible.”

It’s easy to scold a child and use your authority and power to make him share his toys with friends. It’s hard to nurture his behaviour over time so he willingly shares his toys with his friends.

It’s easy to give advice and tell our story on how we solved a problem, its difficult to shut up and totally listen to others problem and genuinely reflect.

It’s easy to lie that we got stuck in traffic when we are late, its difficult to accept we were lazy to organise.

These easy things have become so common that we think that’s how it should be. The easy stuff is intuitive, but the best decisions are sometimes totally counter intuitive.