I am listening to an audiobook titled “Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everyone Else” and I LOVE the book
It basically says that for the most part, its not that someone is born with talent, but they are world-class because of their conscious, mind-exhausting practice.
Tiger Wood’s dad, was in the Top 10% of golfers, and when Tiger was born, he wanted to teach his son this sport. At this point, he had a ton of free time in his life.
Warren Buffet’s dad was also in the financial space and Warren had early exposure to the business.
The more the muscle practices, the structure of the human muscle changes because of that.
Runners have bigger hearts because the body accommodates the muscle because of their practices.
Einsteins brain was fundamentally architected differently. May be because he practiced using his brain more often that it transformed to be like it. May be he was not born with that.