A few days ago my 10 year old brother took the initiative to make a milk shake. The normal ingredients he knew to use were milk and fruits (Strawberry and Banana). He thought outside the box and added the chocolate power (normally used for flavoring milk combined with vitamins and stuff) to the mix. He was extremely pleased with his unique shake that was made with Milk, Fruit and this secret chocolate powder that he was sure no body would know about.

He gave me a glass of his secret milkshake guaranteeing that it was amazing and I could not guess the secret ingredients, Remember he is 10 and this is his first milk shake.

The shake was amazing and I was able to guess all the ingredients. Disappointed that I had guessed the ingredients right, he overwhelmingly asked me not to reveal his secret ingredient. I agreed.

Its amazing how excited we get if we BELIEVE that we know something that others don’t. Instinctively we want to keep the secret. That is human, its natural, its our defense mechanism, our lizard brain that helps us make these decisions.

It takes effort to be transparent, to share the secret!

Sometimes its good to share the secret, sometimes it is not.