A lot of emails come to my inbox every single day but this one was different. This person cared and spoke from the core.
Guido is an example of a highly educated, smart, intellectual and responsible individual who share the core dreams that most of us have. That is:
To support his family, have a relaxed life, contribute to the society, become financially independent and stress free.
He had gone through all of my FREE training videos and emails and was quiet impressed. He would occasionally send me emails and complements on my free material, but one day I got the following email from him that revealed to me his CORE. A core that most of us hide, protect and suppress deep inside.
We put our HAPPY, EVERYTHING IS OKAY face every morning and deal with the world unconscious and unaware that the people we are dealing with have also done the same. Eventually we become so accustomed to living in the “Everything is Okay” mode that we disconnect from our core and run away from our problems.
Chances are that you will see a shadow of your core in this email sent to me by Guido:
“How are you doing? I’m reading and absorbing the information in your videos and blogs whenever they arrive in my inbox.
Aziz, I have to tell you something, and I perfectly understand if you send me a piss-email in reply telling me what kind of idiot I am for having done this.
I received a link from a person through LinkedIn for a website telling me that there would be a ‘‘loophole’’ in the Facebook Ads system.
Here’s a copy of the message:
Dumnass that I am, I clicked on it and looked at how it worked, so, I fell for it and I bought the system, for the price of 47 USD. The thing is, it all looks so dodgy and cheap that before you know it, you’re sold again and again for things that you might not even need, to get online-marketing working for you. However, as you said it in your videos, I really dig the opportunity to get a second income stream.
I guess I had dagobert duck’s dollar signs in my eyes….
I am not very tech-savvy on online marketing, however I did MBA from University of Liverpool on Marketing and Sales, and I have a postgraduate. Now you probably know how I feel….. I’m not stupid, or retard, hell I’ve studied my ass off and also worked 2 or 3 jobs during my time in school and next to that, the MBA took 3 years FULL TIME!! next to a FULL TIME JOB! i’ve paid 30,000 euros for that university degree :-((((( I want to earn it back and make it worth every penny of it.
I really would like to get in to this online-marketing subject and try to make a passive income in this industry, even if it’s only 1000 USD a month, it would help me gain my independence in continuing my current business in freight forwarding.
The problem is that I don’t have that many connections in online-marketing and I don’t know a lot about it, I was hoping if you could push me a bit in the right direction so I can get this working for me.
I know you had a course for this and I am still very interested. You probably know how it goes, when a cat comes cornered, it makes crazy jumps to get out of it… I’m the cat for the moment, and I really want to make this a success.
Through my own work what I’m doing right now, I am constantly online and working with internet, email, skype, twitter, facebook and linkedin and of course calling customers daily in order to win freight. So, it obviously makes sense that I get in to this online-marketing thing too. Just a bit scared of loosing more money really.
Hoping to hear from you and hoping to get a push in the right direction from you, I remain,
With kind regards
Guido van Broekhoven”
My Reply to Guido
Aziz here… I will probably never send you a piss-email.. that’s just not me. We ALL make mistakes.. the winners LEARN from them and the loosers don’t .. SIMPLE.
Lets get you on the right track NOW:
Do you think if someone knew the loophole in FB ad system.. they would sell it… and for 47 dollars?
Do you really believe your ideal business person got to that level by finding ONE simple magic pill that made him MILLIONS???
If that was the case… that person wouldn’t be your ideal.. correct?
Well, if junkies and hypers can sell you some money making trick for $47, I am sure Microsoft would love to sell you a $1000 product that tells you their secret that made them BILLIONS.
It makes no sense what so ever neither LOGICALLY nor EMOTIONALLY!
Here: http://www.fiverr.com/gigs/search?query=testimonial&x=0&y=0 Check out this website where people are selling their credibility for $5. Give them $5 and they will make you FAKE testimonial.
I am seeing more and more fake testimonials out there in the market place and you really have to think through before making any decision.
Guido, congrats on your masters degree, this shows that you are persistent. There is only ONE and ONLY one way to make your money back from anything. “Put your EDUCATION into ACTION”
The problem with our education system is that they are producing EMPLOYEES and not ENTREPRENEURS.
I am willing to bet you that the Domination Method (that you just bought) will teach you more TANGIBLE, USABLE, ACTIONABLE, MONEY MAKING, and AHA moment producing stuff than 99% of PhD programs costing $30,000** **
REASON: Because most professors in these schools are -> EMPLOYEES with no real experience of the real world. If they were so smart and sophisticated, they would be running their own businesses and teaching just to give back.
Don’t get me wrong, one of my best professors in college never had his business but he did have TRUE insightful real world experience. He is so smart that president Obama wrote him a recommendation letter, literally, I saw it with my own eyes. There are great professors out there but they are really few of them… You know that better than me.
I am 100% confident that you learnt a lot from your education, now its time to put it into use.
**Passive money making online **Yes, its not unreal to make TRUE massive income online… I do it every single hour of the day. But, it is equally true that there is NO magic button.
You have probably already shown fake money screen-shots, fake videos, and offered software/plugins, manuals, formulas and led into believing that there is a “SECRET” that is the distance between you and your success.
But from this day forward.. you MUST sharpen your eyes and identify that this is all hype.
Its like I came to you and offered you my manual that will teach your child how to ride a bike in the next hour. (don’t they promise you that you can make money in the next hour????)
Its really easy to market and sell once you know the correct judo moves. Most of us have NO CLUE.. absolutely no clue.. how many psychological triggers are used by Apple, Geico, and plenty of other commercials to make us crave their stuff.
Equally most of us have no idea how these online scammers seemly persuade us to buy their stuff… Actually the Mind Domination and Sales Domination Module in the Domination Method has the EXACT EXACT EXACT strategies they used on you to make you pay the money… (there are a few much more powerful strategies in the course that I hope they never find out.. or else they will misuse them as well)
The difference between these scammers and people like us is that they misused their knowledge and made empty promises. I get really scared at times thinking someone might misuse my stuff and that’s why I am really careful with letting people in the Domination Method.
Deep down you know 100% that your child will learn how to ride a bike with
- Persistent Action
- Falling Multiple Times
- Fixing Mistakes
- Correct and Honest Guidance (not hype and empty promises)
Similarly, you will achieve your passive money online goal OR any other goal by following the above steps.
YES, some people know some tweaks, YES, some people can help you speed up your journey, and YES, some people can hand you their exact ladder they used to climb up.
BUT.. you gotta do the climbing you know…
You might love the ladder and you can place the same ladder against the wall of your choice.
I am all excited to help you in this journey of yours to build an online business.
I truly want to thank him for allowing me to publish his email on my blog. This is a person who cares.
Ready, Set, Catch
Hone your eyes to spot hype, no one else will. Appreciate that we are all driven by emotions. I know this is a difficult concept to grasp for most men that we are creatures of emotions. YES you are included!
If you are being stubborn and denying this… that is your emotional reaction.
Gotchya ;)
Seriously, we humans make our decisions emotionally, and then justify it logically. These decisions are made way before our logical brain kicks in.
At the time of publishing this post, Guido is a successful graduate of my Domination Method, and now knows how to deeply influence people into his way of thinking in any environment (including online, offline, sales, phone, etc) . Basically, people make their decisions first and then their logical brain kicks in to CONFORM logical reasons to justify the decision that was unconsciously made earlier. Of course I trust that Guido is using this new powers responsibly.
Truly, whether you are in a meeting, presentation, selling online or offline, the person who always WINs is the person who is more congruent (aligned with his/her core) and more influential. PERIOD
Unfortunately in the blur of feverish distractions from all sorts of media, we have lost touch with our true selves.
Today we are scared, scared out of our minds. On top of that:
Political uncertainty Financial uncertainty Hype Scams Information overload
Its time that we connect to our core and really come to realize what we as individuals really stand for.
Once we do this, our message and communication in our business becomes crystal clear and effortless. Our message (blog, video, newsletter, email, phone) becomes more meaningful, impactful and understood. We re-become magnets, as we get liberated from our fears and remove the false layers of icing we have been putting on our core for years.
Now its your turn, to reclaim YOU.