More and more people are buying into the concept of having higher institutional education. Bachelors degree, then masters, then PhD, and in the middle this, random certification programs.

Does working in a controlled environment give one the courage to make bold decisions? of course not.

We go to school from age 3-4  and transfer into college in our old teen years. Schools and Colleges are controlled environments. They are the safe zone, its comfortable and its predictable. The fear of the unknown makes most people delay going in the real world and prevents them from making a real impact.

We fool ourselves into saying that “I am going to be better prepared than the other guy”! Are you going to be really?

There is no substitute for experience!

I have seen Masters and PhD grads getting hired at $30,000/year salary at a junior position at several companies. (BTW American average income is $45,000/year) These people lack confidence, they are scared and uncertain because they have not developed their gut to face the real challenges of the world.

Please do not suspend facing the real world! Do not hide behind that video course, how to guide, manual, or class room for too long. Dive in the game faster.