I get several emails from people asking about marketing and business advice. I try to respond to their queries as detailed as possible, but surprisingly I do not see them take action.
When solutions are presented to them on a silver platter, it somehow a) makes them think there is something else to seek, and they go on a tangent seeking them (b) kills their motivation to take action since they unconsciously are used to the struggle.
Taking action means they will be out of their comfort zone and towards success, which is an unknown ground for them.
There is an art involved in helping people. You have to present the solution in a subtle way. Let them get ahead of you on seeking solutions. You are the map, but they find the route. It keeps them motivated, and it makes them more prone to action because they think they found the amazing route and they now want to pursue what they discovered.
When I was younger, my mom taught me the multiplication tables and I self discovered that the results could be achieved by adding the numbers several times instead of memorizing the multiplication table.
That is a discovery I made on my own, my mom guided me in a subtle way, but the discovery was mine, and I love mathematics now since I am a genius with an insight about it.
Like most insights, its counter intuitive for teachers/mentors to not give students everything. Let them discover, they will be just fine.