I was reading Forbes.com today and found an article on a new and upcoming billionaire Sara Blakely. Sara started her company Spanx, a specialty undergarments company for women, while working in a full-time job. Her net worth is now $1 billion and she owns the company 100%.
This is what impressed me!
I know of NO self made billionaire who owns their company 100%. Sara managed to start and grow her company without any external funding and without and major partnerships that required her to give up equity.
She started her company completely while working full-time. Most of us complain all day on how their jobs suck and it takes too much time, hence we can’t start our business.
A great read of all Entrepreneurs: http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2012/03/07/undercover-billionaire-sara-blakely-joins-the-rich-list-thanks-to-spanx/