Sneaky trick, that can rank ANY LinkedIn profile on the very top of LinkedIn Search. Do this within 10 minutes straight.
LinkedIn SEO
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November 13, 2010
Wow that was Cool information, Thank you bro. It did only take me 10 minutes to implement.
November 22, 2010
WOW! Great info. I plan to RSS Your blog on my Affiliate Marketing Blog
November 22, 2010
there is something funky going on with the RSS right now on our DaysToDomination community blog, I think you already noticed... check back in a few. Thanks for your appreciation Marvena :)
November 22, 2010
I really like your videos, it look seasy I have not implemented yet, but will soon. thanks
December 05, 2010
hi Aziz! It's truly amazing how this works! like you said i'm on the 1st or 2nd spot for all my keywords, it's a great tool! i knew that LinkedIn was good for something, it's just tough to get through to the really interesting stuff as it's well hidden, thanks to your video i've been found more times i've could ever hoped for. keep 'm coming bro! guido
December 19, 2010
I really enjoyed this video and I learned a lot. Thank you AZIZ. As a matter of fact as I was searching Linkedin I think I came across your profile. Great Job.
January 03, 2011
thankyou very much for such great info. marketing is so hard for most people, but you make it so simple to understand.keep up the great work.
January 09, 2011
Great tips, Aziz! LinkedIn is underutilized by many people in many markets. I recently have begun doing this strategy to my profile and several clients to see the results. Appreciate the info =)
January 13, 2011
Great video... Aziz. This is all a learning curve for me. I only got 445 hits on my You Tube video and have had it for 4 months. I got the website up, but I am not done with it. Working on getting the books Printed also, not enough time in the day. I plan on watching all your videos more than once, good stuff. Thanks for your time. Keep up the good work. You got my vote if your running for something. Have a great day.
January 25, 2011
This worked for me INSTANTLY. It worked exactly like you said. As a professional strategic business marketer and avid "eggheaded" business student with well over 2000 hours of intense study under my belt this year alone.... In 20 years and I have NEVER found any tip this rapid, instant, and easy. This is one heck of a magic bullet. I am happy to do EVERYTHING you tell me to do. Why isn't everyone doing this? My mind is absolutely racing.
February 05, 2011
I just got me an Linkedin account, I have the basic. I just use some of the technique and I was in the 1st position. This has been so helpful, I never wanted to register with Linked-in cause I felt a little intimidated. I can't wait to see the next four video's.
February 13, 2011
Hi bro. I really appreciated ur effort..awesome videos...can u help me 2 know the recent trends in marketing and also the new innovative ideas which the brands are using 2 become leader in their areas.
February 13, 2011
Hey Shriks, You asked me a very broad and debatable question. The answer to your question varies by the MARKET your are in. If you are in the food business and launching a product, you can give away free food sample for taste test and attracting customers. If you are in the gadgets business you can't do that. In come markets branding works great, in others, infomercials type marketing works best.
February 18, 2011
Can I talk to you via telephone? I need your help and a consultation. I really like your videos and you inspire me to become a SEOer myself. Right now im a music producer trying to get my products visible on the net. Heres my email Please help me. Thanks.
March 08, 2011
My question - I don't know who else to ask. I see you are very knowledgeable. My very good youtube helpful videos have been uploaded to many websites. I am an affiliate for a product and offer some review and some education but I hope to get the affiliate sale. These other websites insert a clickable link at the end of my video essay description to someone else. I also see that these websites put clickable links into my essay that connect to their advertisers. Is this beneficial for me to have allow my youtube videos out there. (Since they may be posted on a higher ranking site than my own website) Your comments are appreciated. Thank you for your help.
March 08, 2011
I am impressed. Great ideas and then you show us how you use it. You are a teacher.
March 08, 2011
I am a little confused with your question, but I will try my best to answer it. When you say your youtube video is on other websites, does that mean people are embeding your video on their websites? If so, I would encourage that since you will get more and more views on your video. Youtube will know that your video is getting embedded a lot therefore it will assume it has valuable content and again you will get additional traffic from youtube. If you are referring to your video being distributed on other video sharing websites, this is also good since you can get backlinks from those description sections to your website. If people are leveraging your video and selling their own stuff, you can always put WATERMARKS/ANNOTATIONS on your video and brand your video to your website so the viewers will establish a bond with your website/brand than with the stuff these other website owners are selling. Hope this answers it. If not, email me and I'll help ya.
March 12, 2011
Great video for the second time! Thanks, I now have a Lindedin account. Did not know about it. keep up the good work.
March 22, 2011
Very interesting thoughts. And you LinkedIn article is something that I really enjoyed to watch. What about the rest of your videos on this page? Are they going to be "alive", too?
March 24, 2011
Simply brilliant! Is this applicable to fb, twitter or other such platforms? Thank you.
April 15, 2011
I tried a lot but no fruitful outcomes found. as I did same as you explained in video :(
April 19, 2011
Truly Awesome Aziz ! Truly Awesome! Feels some value to drive me in your website from youtube
April 27, 2011
The LinkedIn strategy place me at the top in my business keywords. I highly recommend you to anyone! Thanks Aziz! :-)
May 06, 2011
Looking forward to implementing your ideas and seeing the results. After all, results are the reason we do all this. Right? Ann Schilling Technical Writer
May 26, 2011
Thanks for the quick tip. I ranked first in all my keywords but my worry is that I'm not sure this technique works for people outside my connections. Have you tested the extent of this technique, do people in your network also see you in their search? How about people outside of your network? Thanks man
May 29, 2011
It looks like you got bumped down several slots for at least the keyword ppc. Any idea of what happen or how to rank higher again?
June 28, 2011
I'm at the top. You rock, not often you see results that quickly. You really are an internet marketing whiz kid. Thanks for the great advice.
August 04, 2011
Awesome signal to noise ratio! The only techniques covered are the ones that move us towards achieving the desired ranking effect... Very nice... I appreciate both the information that was shared, and the thought process behind it!
October 17, 2011
Aziz: Same as some people have asked, can you please elaborate about the fact that this wonderful technique could only be working towards our very same connections and not for everybody searching for the keywords we have optimized our profiles for? If you happen to read my comment, please let me know if you have any information about my question. Thanks for this amazing video and the ton of useful information you provide. I wish you all the best.
October 17, 2011
Nice info Aziz! But one question though.. will this method work if you don't have any clients to start with? I would like to know if it will work. Thanks!