After Mohammed and his followers came back from a tough and victorious battle, Mohammed announced that there was a bigger battle to be fought. The followers became worried as they were tired and exhausted. Mohammed continued and said that this battle was one with their own self.

The biggest battle a man fights in his life is the one with himself. The battle to quit smoking, lying, drinking and gambling. The battle to follow the healthy diet. The battle to hit the gym regularly, to be patient with coworkers, to consistently write the blog post you committed to. The list goes on.

Although at first they look extremely difficult, the good news is that these battles are temporary. After a few consistent successes, victory is inevitable, since then they just become a habits. Eating healthy is no longer work, its just a part of you. Being patient with coworkers is not incongruent, but a part of you.

It’s just a matter of uncompromising persistence.