A woman and her son came to Muhammad(PBUH) and requested him to advise her son to eat less sugar. Muhammad asked the women to come back the next day. When the woman came back with her son the next day, Muhammad advised her son to eat less sugar. The woman respectfully asked Muhammad: "Why did you ask us to come back the next day when you could have advised my son yesterday." Muhammad replied: I myself ate a lot of sugar, I improved myself before I could advise.

I heard this story first when I was a very young, and this story has defined my blueprint. Every gym has a personal trainer. How many of these trainers have a body that you aspire to have?

Every one is a social media guru these days. How many of them have actually landed a client doing what they do?

In fact, I sometimes read blog posts that write about “Best ways to do SEO” or “How to adapt a mobile content strategy”. Before I buy into any of their ideas, I see if that website themselves are practicing what they are preaching. Sadly, most of them don’t.

Seriously, you can hire a ghost writer to write a book on how to loose weight and you yourself would be fat (excuse my language). You can write a book on how to become rich, where you yourself would be broke.

Its ridiculous, that it happens around us everyday.

Its a matter of credibility and integrity for me. I do not respect any adviser who preaches something and never practices it.