When I first started my affiliate marketing business, It was me alone. I quickly started making $100 a day but for some reason it would not scale. After much frustration, and after overcoming my fear of loosing control and money I hired a few people. Within the same month my income grew exponentially.

Interdependence is much more difficult then independence. We accomplish most interdependently. Its easy to hide in your house and work on stuff. Its difficult to be patient and listen to what others have to say. Its difficult to hire the person who knows better than you in a certain area.

You might say, “Its much more work to train the person, I can do the stuff faster and better myself”. And you are right, at a small scale that is the method I would recommended. But when you want to scale, or do better and more influential work, its crucial in the long-term to slow down to train, and ramp up and scale.