If you are reading this blog, you have some sort of vision in your head on where you want to go. Now if that is the case, we all want to get to out destination faster. Here is how you can.do that.

In programing, there is a concept of framework, where a set of functionality, features, and/or tools are packaged so that any new project can leverage them to speed up launch. Frameworks increases quality, consistency and speed because a lot of the grunt work that is required in most projects is already been done.

Frameworks exist not just in programing. Startup incubators such as Founders Institute, Y combinator, techstars, etc are also frameworks. They put entrepreneurs under a process that speeds up quality, consistency and speed. The chances of error and failure is significantly reduced.

Other example.of framework are bootcamps and any other kind of organized gathering where all participants systematically do what needs to be done, hence helping the entire group.