There are countless worlds within our world. Another way of putting it is “There are countless subcultures within our world”. What I mean is that there are several enthuriasts in unbelievable areas of life. There is a subculture for Cougars, Pickup Artists, Scrap-bookers, Nerds, Home Farmers, Owners of Black Lexus. From broad to very narrow, there are enthusiast who would defend their subculture like crazy.
Often these enthusiast create their own way of socializing. Some might host seminars in hotels, others would gather in ones home, some might do a field trip in the mountains, some may just hangout in the city.
Most people know me as a Marketer and Business Strategist, I like to read books that are related to the topics of startups, online marketing, human psychology and other realms of self improvement.
More often than not one subculture gets inspiration from the other and exponentially increases their level of connectivity. We all should strive to borrow ideas from other subcultures to increase the effectiveness of the subculture we belong to.
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources - Albert Einstein