How three companies charged exponentially more for a commodity product, while increasing sales and branding.
Best Marketing Strategy and 55x-profits
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June 30, 2012
Loving your work/site, learning a lot. Not sure how im going to implement the ldea's yet, but ill be working on it. Thanks, from New Zealand
July 07, 2012
Aziz, Really impressive techniques you have talked about and in a very impressive and easy-to-go manner.. Especially Conspicuous consumption part was something which I related really well.
August 01, 2012
hey aziz ur video is fab if u can help me to understand the power of vision with eg wud be gr8
November 22, 2012
thanks for sharing your business strategy, every time i learn some thing new for this web site thanks a lot bro.....
November 26, 2012
Ignore d previous one plzz : Over n above everything the best thing i liked is spreading a smile to those who are deprived of it due to dere circumstances deprived of it. If ur goodness n kindness can help ur business nothing like it. Really a nice way of putting it forth.. Happy to see such more people. tanx..